
A Collection of Yoga Styles to Suit You

Whatever your aspiration, you’ll find a rich choice of yoga styles on offer that will awaken your spirt, enhance your mobility, and build strength and balance.

Choose the option that best meets your needs today – and every day.

Creative Vinyasa

creative vinyasa - abi king

Abi’s own unique and creative style of Vinyasa that draws inspiration from a variety of schools of yoga

You’ll work through a sequence of fluid, funky and playful transitions, linking breath to movement as you progress through the asanas. With plenty of options for arm balances and inversions, you’ll be encouraged to move authentically and expressively throughout the practice.

Expect to encounter a variety of different themed sequences and breath counts within each flow. Some will move more slowly and meditatively, building endurance and flexibility. Others will provide a faster, more energising experience designed to build heat, stamina, and strength.

New flows are introduced each week, and flows are regularly revisited to give you a progressive practice as your familiarity with the structure of each flow deepens.

A Dynamic Vinyasa option is available for more experienced practitioners who want to fluidly transition in and out of arm balances and inversions more freely.

Elemental Mandala

elemental mandala - abi king

A playful and dynamic practice, moving 360 degrees around the mat!

Working with the four elements – earth, water, fire and air – and their corresponding chakras we begin the class with some beautiful Yin postures before moving slowly into a more Yang-like practice that steadily builds up the heat.

This graceful vinyasa style moves through a sequence of strong asanas and inversions prioritising breath to movement and working on a particular target area in the body that corresponds to a specific element. Expect to explore all four corners of the yoga mat in a circular and balanced flow.

Rocket Yoga

rocket yoga - abi king

A light hearted, fast-paced and dynamic style of yoga that combines power and play

Said to be the yoga that gets you there quicker, Rocket yoga is great for building strength and advancing your practice. Based on the primary and secondary series of Ashtanga sequences, Rocket encourages you to be playful when moving through more challenging asanas.

Expect plenty of opportunities to work on arm balances and inversions – or not, if that’s not in your practice – with lots of core work, hip openers, forward bends and spinal twists!  There are lots of variations and modification options on offer that ensures Rocket yoga is accessible for all.

Power Flow

power yoga - abi king

A strength-focused style that challenges you to hold poses for longer

A great class for anyone who wants to focus on poses, rather than experiencing a fluid flow. Expect less creativity and more holds than you’d encounter in a Vinyasa sequence as we work through a series of asanas designed to build strength – and work on form.

Expect to fire up your core and challenge yourself, utilising repetition to strengthen your body and enhance your flexibility.

Dark vs Light

dark vs light yoga - abi king

A wholesome practice featuring meditation, Yin, and intuitive Yang yoga

A feel-good practice that’s suitable for any level of practitioner – including Beginners. Connecting to the elements, we begin with some grounding meditation before setting into a series of Yin poses that we hold for 2-5 minutes before moving softly and intuitively into our delicious Yang practice.

Bringing together two styles of yoga into one practice, expect to connect on a deeper level to your mind and body as you ease your way mindfully through the asanas and explore the impact of effort and stillness on your energy levels.


playshop yoga - abi king

Build your skills – and expand your horizons

We work through a series of strengthening and conditioning drills that will build the foundations for more advanced asanas. Each week we explore a different theme, breaking down asanas and more challenging transitions so you can focus on introducing new skills into your practice.

Great for anyone looking to strengthen their practice and work on some of the more playful asanas, arm balances and inversions. Expect plenty of theory – and lots of opportunities to try out new things!

“Creatively connecting movement, breath and mind …”

abi king yoga feather 2021